Monday, April 17, 2006

Elegant Baby Adds Flair to Baby Products

If you haven’t noticed, pregnancy and parenthood is hipper and sexier than ever before! Our good friends Gwyneth, Britney, Ben (Affleck) and Brad (Pitt) have proven to the world that parenthood can be quite fashionable. In fact, it’s a great excuse to go shopping and Elegant Baby is a great place to start. They really know the importance of adding flair to the functionality of baby gear – After all, they have been around for 40 years.

You can get a bunch of personalized gifts and keepsakes as well as cute blankets, nursery accessories and bath time essentials at My favorites are the polka-dotted piggy bank, sea squirties and the indispensable medical kit.

The sea squirties are as much fun to use as they are to say. They will quickly become your baby’s favorite bath time toy.

It’s never too early to teach your tot the value of saving money. The polka-dotted piggy is a fun way to squirrel away your coins and it’s a great accessory in any nursery.

We have two of these medical kits – one in our nursery and one in the under seat bag of our stroller. The kit is equipped with all the basic stuff you need to care for your baby, including a:
- Medical spoon
- Nasal aspirator (which is particularly useful since our tots won’t grasp the concept of blowing their noses until they are around 3 or 4 years old)
- Plastic coated nail clipper (another useful tool since baby nails grow faster than weeds)
- Digital thermometer
- Water-filled teether (need I say more?)
- Comb and Brush

Check out the entire Elegant Baby line at