Our friends at Reef and Reed have also found themselves in a similar conundrum. Industrial designer turned father, Gene, the creator of Reef and Reed Shoulderbags with Fins™, wanted a bag that was not too big and not too small. It needed to be practical (easy to find and hard to lose), but also fun and stylish. After many trips to the local aquarium, he came up with the perfect idea - A Shoulderbag with Fins™.
It's true - It really is the perfect addition to the day-to-day diaper bag. Instead of rooting around in that big o'l diaper bag of yours, the R&R bag is perfectly-sized to carry your most important stuff – just drop your keys, cell phone, credit card and sunblock into your fish, and you and baby are good to go! If you are on vacation, then just drop your room key into your fish and you are set for the day!
They're safe and practical - plus you'll catch the big fish trend that's set for this summer. Available in six styles, so we're sure you'll be able to Find Your Fish™. I personally love the Tomato Clownfish Bag - But that's only because I have a thing for Nemo. Check it out, you'll see what I mean.