There are a lot of other things that have changed since having a baby - I find that I have a much more positive outlook on life and that I find incredible humor in the silliest of things. I also find that I am much more laid back than I used to be. Don't get me wrong, I am still incredibly Type A - but to a lesser degree. My son has taught me that I

Oddly enough, I miss the days that he depended entirely on me. Don't get me wrong, he's only 11 months old. So, it's not like he's packing his bags for college yet. It's just that he doesn't need me the way he used to - he can entertain himself, move around and hold his own bottle. When I stopped breastfeeding him when he was 7 months old, I was overjoyed by my renewed sense of freedom. Now, I find myself longing for that dependency again.
Who knew that I (of all people) would be going through a sort of separation anxiety as my son nears his first birthday. Oh, motherhood is truly an enlightening experience! Enough of my "deep thoughts"...I think I am going to do something "rebellious," like eating Haagen Dazs for breakfast. Not quite the same as skydiving, but it's still a thrill!