Randall Jeppesen reporting
New research shows mothers play a big role in influencing how much dad takes part in caring for a new baby.
The Ohio State research published in this month's Journal of Family Psychology suggests new dads can easily lose self-confidence in their ability to take care of a child if the mother constantly nags or criticizes how the dad is caring for the child.
"Yes, I think there's something to mothers hoarding the care early on in life that really can send signals to dad that he's either not welcome or not competent to be involved,"
Brigham Young University family life Professor Alan Hawkins says if the father gets frustrated and limits his fathering role, it can frustrate the mother down the road when she wants him more involved.
Hawkins says good communication between couples can help, and if a mom has to have something done a her way, she should try to find dad other ways he can be involved with the child.