If you are in your first trimester, then you probably know what I am talking about. You don't quite look pregnant, but you definitely don't have the svelte body that you used to have. Up until I was about 18 weeks pregnant, I looked like I had a bad case of the "gunt" - you know, the ponch that sits in your lower abdominal region. It's the worst kind of belly ponch. I felt desperate to explain to everyone, including strangers, that I had a bun in the oven and that I had not pudged out. I don't know why I cared so much, but I did. So, if you are like me, you will be happy to know that we have a couple of t-shirt designs that effectively explains to everyone that you are working to repopulate the world and that you did not eat more than your share of chocolate cake.
You can find our "hot shirts for her" at our mothership website,
www.thefunkystork.com and at
www.cafepress.com/thefunkystork. You'll also find the rest of our clothing line at these sites, including some cool shirts for your dad-to-be and hip onesies, bibs and shirts for your baby.