The story is sweet and the product is sweeter. Mango Ink, an online trend-setting stationary boutique, really did begin with a love for mangoes, entertaining and invitations. And just as the Mango Ink story is about life - beginning with a boy who falls in love mangos and ends with a man who falls in love with a woman who loves entertaining just as much as he does - Mango Ink products are also about life. Regardless of your stage in life, Mango Ink has a stationary to suit you. Whether you are hosting a grown-up party, planning a wedding, announcing the birth of a child or just happy that it's Summer, you'll be sure to find what you are looking for at www.mangoink.com.

You can choose from a cool line of Mango Seeds, which allows you to personalize your stationary by sending in a photo and your own words (as the Mango Ink motto goes: "Your words, your photos, your personality, we just add the mango juice to sweeten it up.") or you can select an exclusive design from the line of Mango Notes. All notes are printed on Fuji Crystal Archive Paper and professionally hand-mounted on white, high-quality 5.5" x 4.5" note cards.
Either way, you can't go wrong! All the stationary is so hip and incredibly memorable... What a great way to celebrate every stage of your family's life.